Animal Religion

performing arts company

ANIMAL RELIGION is a circus company interested in the search for new paths within contemporary circus and interdisciplinarity. Its three axes of work are the body, light and music. In his 10 years of career he has performed 9 shows of very different formats, he has collaborated with more than 30 artists from all over, and he has received commissions from the TNC, Fira Tàrrega, Mercat de les Flors, TNT Festival and the Barcelona Auditorium. He has received awards and recognitions, including the City of Barcelona Special Award for the show Sifonòfor in 2016.

Relationship with diversity:

James Nieto

Hola, manos y pies…
Gender: Dance
Recommended age: years
Duration: 90 minutes
Release year: 2021
Country: SPAIN
Diversity: Relaxed performance for the TEA audience of '…And ideas fly'
Relaxed performance for the TEA audience of '…And ideas fly' xx...
Coordinates of this location not found

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