
October 18

Cognitive mediation workshop for people with neurodiversity

jamp palo

During this Workshop, the scenic language, theatrical codes and protocol in the theater venue will be exposed to people with neurodiversity to enhance autonomy.

This workshop is offered as a means of accessibility for the representation of "Loop" by Aracardanza within the Conference.


  • Enroll via [email protected] where you will be provided with a registration form.
  • Acquire the "Loop" ticket, requesting participation in this workshop through management with Teatro Cánovas. The entrance to "Loop" has a discount of 50% when participating in this workshop (4 euros)
  • Write in the email data relevant to the registration, motivation and objective to study it. Among the applicants, a selection will be made according to the criteria of the teaching staff.


  • They must be people with neurodiversity.
  • They may attend with a companion who serves as a facilitator.
  • Maximum number of participants per Workshop 12 people.
  • Comfortable and sports clothing.


Duration: 3 hours.

Day: Tuesday, October 18

Schedules (To choose one of the two by registration)

Workshop 1 – 10:30 a.m. -1:30 p.m.

Workshop 2 – 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Place: Cánovas Theater, Plaza del Ejido 5 Málaga.

October 20

Working for inclusion and accessibility.

Organizing and collaborating entities

12:00 p.m. Canovas Theater

Press conference to present the I Conference on accessibility and inclusion in performing arts for children and youth  on accessibility and inclusion in collaboration with the Cánovas Theater on the occasion of the start-up of its accessible programming.

Junta de Andalucía / Diputación de Málaga / Teatro Cánovas / ASSITEJ.


Sceners.: On the front line (course)

jamp palo

The possibility of experiencing Social Theater techniques with people with diverse abilities is offered through different exercises and guidelines that will have the purpose of creating a small collective scene.

Any person with or without different abilities can converge on this course.



  • Be registered in the Conference.
  • request via [email protected] registration form for this workshop
  • Write in the email data relevant to the registration, motivation and objective to study it. Among the applicants, a selection will be made according to the criteria of the teaching staff.



  • They may or may not have a disability.
  • No prior training required
  • Maximum number of participants per Workshop 15 people.
  • Comfortable and sports clothing.

Duration: 3 hours.

Thursday October 20

Schedule: 5:00 p.m. -8:00 p.m.

Place: Cánovas Theater, Plaza del Ejido 5 Málaga.

October 21

IIAN .International Inclusive Arts Network

Ginni Manning/Vicky Ireland

10:00 a.m. La Malagueta Cultural Center.

IIAN is an International network, part of ASSITEJ International that fosters global dialogue on "inclusive art" and breaking the taboo of "disabled art". In addition, IIAN advocates for widespread accessibility in theaters and classrooms to enable both disabled and non-disabled people to enjoy the performing arts together.

How to make an accessible show?  

David Ojeda / María Solanas (Full Inclusion) / Javier Jiménez (Accessible Theatre) 

12:00 p.m. La Malagueta Cultural Center.

Trialogue to inform about the accessibility devices to spaces and companies who wish to make their programming and shows for children, inclusive and accessible functions.

Accessibility as a creative element

Lola Robles / Gabriela Martin León / María José Frías / Jana Pacheco (moderator)

4:00 p.m. La Malagueta Cultural Center.

The dialogue between these three creators leads us to reflect on how accessibility can be a path of innovation and experimentation in the Performing Arts for children.

Inclusion and scenic pedagogy for children and youth.  

Ana Robles/ Jaume Belló / Marisa Brugarolas / Irene Salas / Jamp Palô (moderates).

6:00 p.m. La Malagueta Cultural Center.

October 22

Marco Paiva

Accessible artistic creation for and with children.

"Terra Amarela e as new ways of seeing the World"

Marco Paiva

10:00 a.m. La Malagueta Cultural Center.

How to promote accessibility from spaces, festivals and programming.

Lola Lara / Vanessa San José (Madrid Destino) / David Ojeda (moderates).

12:00 p.m. La Malagueta Cultural Center.

Two programmers and an accessibility technician show the will to make their accessible programming for children and adolescents with a disability or neurodiversity. We will share the benefits and difficulties in the process.


Embody accessibility. Experience of actors and actresses in inclusive stage projects.

 Monica Lambert / Hellioth Baeza and Paqui Romero (Dance Mobile) / Ana Belén Castillo (moderate)

4:00 p.m. La Malagueta Cultural Center.

Three interpreters who have worked on inclusive projects, where accessibility can be a difficulty or be a creative element when creating a show inclusive and accessible.



6:30 p.m. Canovas Theater

And in the end, there will always be the theater, that physical space that allows us to dream lives, imagine futures, unleash our emotions.

Impossible to live outside of it because on its stages, between pulleys, lights and tools, all magic is possible.

October 23

Happy childhoods map 

Gonzalo Moreno (ASSITEJ Spain) / Associations and Foundations related to Inclusion and childhood.

10:00 a.m. La Malagueta Cultural Center.

Space in which to approach exchange projects and network creation in the field of accessibility and inclusion in performing arts for children and youth


Malaga, where are we moving with inclusion and accessibility in childhood?

Ana Belén Castillo (Presenter “super capable”TV MALAGA)

10:30 a.m. La Malagueta Cultural Center.

A look into the future

Jana Pacheco / Eulalia Rivera / Cánovas Theater. 

11:00 a.m. La Malagueta Cultural Center.



12:00 p.m. Canovas Theater

And in the end, there will always be the theater, that physical space that allows us to dream lives, imagine futures, unleash our emotions.

Impossible to live outside of it because on its stages, between pulleys, lights and tools, all magic is possible.

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