Jornadas sobre la Inclusión Social y la Educación en las Artes Escénicas. Libro conmemorativo X aniversario

Author/s: Various authors
Editorial: INAEM
Publication date: 2018
This publication, which commemorates the tenth anniversary of the Conference on Social Inclusion and Education in the Performing Arts, constitutes a recapitulation of the path taken so far, but, above all, a commitment to the permanence of an annual event that is already essential in the agendas of all of us who believe and see in culture the greatest tool for social transformation that we have. Like art, these Conferences are not a product, but a process that, after a decade of existence, is managing to dilute the border between the social and the artistic, becoming a reference for institutions and professionals, who, in turn, , are spearheads to claim difference as cultural wealth in performing disciplines. This forum faces the great challenge of maintaining the search for the commitment of all agents who participate in artistic practices, to continue uniting communities that are now fragmented and generate exclusion. Artistic practice involves, on the one hand, the conscious empowerment of each and every individual in their most personal sphere, but, at the same time, it is capable, in the collective sphere, of placing ourselves in a condition of equality, managing to establish a dialogue and thus experience the sense of belonging and participation, both basic pillars of social inclusion. For “More Culture, More Inclusion”, which was born from the conviction that culture is a source of social utility, to be part of this great project of the Conference on Social Inclusion and Education in the Performing Arts, together with the rest of the institutions , is to feel the impulse on the path we travel every day to achieve a more just and supportive society.
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