





1st Conference on Inclusion and Accessibility in the Performing Arts for Young Audiences

A place for reflection, debate and exchange on accessibility and inclusion in the performing arts for children and young people where we will bring together creative agents, managers and professionals of the performing arts at national and international level, to reflect on innovation and transformation of the performing arts, exploring accessibility as a creative field.

For three days we will expose the difficulties of the sector to create accessible shows and we will provide useful tools to companies, programmers and cultural agents who have the will to make their stage works and their programming accessible and inclusive projects.

The conference will be accessible to deaf, blind, low vision and neurodiverse people. We will work with an LSE (Spanish sign language) interpreter, a magnetic loop system, audio description and content translation into pictograms and easy reading.  

The chosen dates are October 21, 22 and 23.

The conferences are held in collaboration with the  Canovas Theater in Malaga, one of the few scenic spaces whose programming is entirely aimed at children and young people and which plans to launch a permanent accessible program this year. 

The meetings will be hosted by the La Malagueta Cultural Center.

For this occasion, the Teatro Cánovas includes in its programme an inclusive and accessible show and provides the organising entities with the material and human resources for its development.


  • Build a place where we can discuss about why there are not more accessible scenic projects for children and youth and to provide tools that allow for innovation and change on this subject.  
  • To create a link between cultural agents, artists and companies, both inside and outside Spain, interested in making their productions of theater, dance or circus and their cultural programs accessible projects.  
  • Implement accessibility tools and improve the accessibility of content and programs.
  • To introduce changes and improve theater programming for children and youth, providing cultural diversity and creating added value for citizens with disabilities or functional diversity.   
  • Identify agents and programs of reference in inclusive and accessible performing arts and promote networking.


  • Attendance at the tables
  • Loop show ticket

ASSITEJ member registration

  • Attendance at the tables
  • Loop show ticket

Inscription people with diversity

  • Attendance at the tables
  • Discounted admission to the Loop show
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